List of the foremost useful VS Code extensions you’ll use as a developer in 2022

Extensions are within the VS Code marketplace to reinforce and speed up your work productivity. they’re stuffed with shortcuts, popup texts, themes, icons, live servers and far more, so these will be lots of help to developers that may use them properly. With these key things in mind, i’ve got conducted an inventory of the foremost useful extensions in VS Code.
#1 GitHub Copilot
GitHub Copilot is a man-made intelligence that may be helping your code to be more correct and precise. Copilot can write you a code scope, function, condition, almost everything only supported a single-line comment.

Although GitHub Copilot is free now, you’ve got to hitch a waitlist with thousands of other developers to induce access. Access is restricted to alittle group of testers during the technical preview. i’ve got waited 3 months to induce in but others might get in much faster than me.
Copilot may be wont to write even a full project rather than you but the software was created to assist land up your code or to own you experience new solutions. So, i might recommend using it only as a helper tool.
#2 Git lens
Git lens, because the name suggests, is an extension for your projects that use Git to commit/push your code into a third-party website. This extension simply tells on top of each file and on every line when was the last commit executed here and a few other information about the commit (when a commit was made, to which branch and commit name).

History of commits is additionally something this extension can very easily do and whilst browsing it you’ll compare individual commits to work out the changes between them very clearly.
#3 Import cost
Import cost may be a really simple text extension that has only 1 job — it’ll cause you to attentive to what proportion space an imported module takes up. you’ll create your own combination for this extension, for instance, ranges of storage within which a module are going to be considered very small, medium and big with according colours. you’ll be able to also choose which kind of bundle size you would like to display — minified, compressed or both.

#4 Live server
Live server is an extension for front-end development, it can create a live server that’s visiting restart whenever you create a change in your project’s directory and refresh the web site to work out those changes immediately.
All you have got to try and do is right-click in your directory on your root HTML file and choose Open with Live Server or press Alt+L Alt+O in this file. Afterwards, the extension will open a localhost server on port 5500 with its content on Everything including the host’s port will be changed within the extension settings.

#5 Quokka.js
Quokka.js may be a productivity-boosting tool for rapid JavaScript/TypeScript prototyping, debugging and testing. Quokka can display values from a variable, console.log or from functions right in your IDE, next to the initiator which may dramatically improve and speed up the event process. Sadly, Quokka isn’t free with this feature after a period of your time and you have got to buy their pro version.

#6 REST client
REST client is an extension that allow you send custom requests to endpoints with content types, authorizations or other sorts of data and find information back from the request. This extension is slowly replacing website tools like Postman. so as to send requests, you have got to form a file ending in .rest, in your project’s directory. The syntax of those requests goes as follows, , for example:
POST http://localhost:5000/login
Then, you’ll be able to add a content type by typing Content-Type: application/json. If you wish to send any data with the request, you may leave 1 line of space between the request and therefore the data and also the create a JSON object with the information, here’s an example with the total request:
#7 Live sass compiler
Live sass compiler is very an easy extension for the SCSS language which will take created files ending in .scss and transcript them into a traditional .css file. After you put in the package, on the toolbar a brand new button will appear that claims Watch sass if you click it the transcription will begin.

All the extensions that i’ve got shown you before are the foremost useful tools that you simply can possibly use in VS Code as a developer in 2022, hope you may use them wisely on your journey in development.