When people hear the term Programmers, they consider people that write code, add new features, or perhaps iron out existing bugs in a very project.
But alittle subsection of this population put out content like Blogs or YouTube videos. you would possibly be wondering:
How is it associated with becoming a more robust developer?
This article will answer this question and supply you a number of the advantages of putting out content, mainly that specialize in blogging, and the way it can facilitate your level up.

1. You become a far better communicator
When you start putting out content two of the earliest fears that may paralyze you’re not being an expert and not being a decent communicator.
Even if those fears are true, the sole antidote to them is to action. Yes, your first blogs may not be great, but over time you may learn to speak better which won’t only facilitate your in your profession but in your personal life too.
And always remember:
Every Pro once started as a Noob

2. You become a higher developer
While writing an editorial, you’ll often must research a subject in-depth, leading you to choose up new concepts.
Occasionally, you may find yourself making some errors in your blogs, but the community would facilitate your resolve them with positive criticism, which may further boost your skills!

3. Blogging is Job Search on Steroids
Put Points (1) and (2) together, combined with the increased visibility you get through your blogs, you’ll get exposure to the degree you didn’t know was possible. You now not must go job hunting, rather than recruiters are going to be contacting you.
You might also find yourself finding far better opportunities than what you’re thinking that you deserve, eg: i’ve got 2 years of experience (internship & freelance) and that i am pursuing my bachelor’s, but I find yourself getting lots of job offers for senior positions (I prefer freelance for the flexibleness and mindblowing pay though).

4. Growing your Network becomes a chunk of Cake
You know the saying:
It’s not what you recognize, but who you recognize
Creating and sharing content may be a good way to create your network, connect with people, and help them get to understand you.
When you show up consistently, it helps you stay top of mind, strengthens your relationships, and even builds your community.

5. Helping others has never been easier
Most programmers communicate text-based solutions, like blogs or Stack Overflow, to unravel their issues quickly as text-based options are far faster to implement than video based solutions.
Luckily, the barrier to entry for blogging is sort of low, you’ll start with any device and a web connection. Of course, the fear of being judged persists, but the earlier you begin putting yourself out there, the earlier the fear gets flushed out of you.