I got you covered!
I believe these awesome websites will assist you in jour journey.
Let’s dive right in…
Cheatography may be a place you’ll be able to find cheat sheets on different languages, frameworks, tools, algorithms, and miscellaneous. This website may be a collection of 5219 cheat sheets and quick references in 25 languages for everything from food to google! Don’t forget you’ll filter the sheets.
Link: https://cheatography.com/programming/

Have you been attempting to find some programming books or any books? Well, search no further because Z-Library provides us with free ebooks and articles on any topic. Z-Library is that the world’s largest ebook library. Don’t forget you’ll be able to search the library.
Link: https://b-ok.cc/

Do you plan on taking a replacement path/challenge or kick-starting a career in tech? Roadmap.sh is here to assist you select a learning path. Roadmap.sh may be a community effort to make roadmaps, guides and other educational content to assist guide the developers in discovering the trail and guide their learnings.
Link: https://roadmap.sh/

Ever wanted to share your beautiful code with friends and on social media? Carbon allows you to form and share beautiful pictures of your code. There are options to customize your design.
Link: https://carbon.now.sh/

So you’ve been asked to convert your resume from doc to pdf or eSign (Electronic signature) on some files or compress your video or extract text from a picture or convert a picture from one format to a different or more. Tinywow provides tools that solve your file problems. This website offers many online tools to create your life easier. Wow! Soft life!
Link: https://tinywow.com/

Coding Game
All Code No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy!
On this web app, Jack are wiggling with codes. Oh Yes! If you wish to boost your programming skills while having fun and getting noticed, Coding Game is there to assist you practice and learn the fun way. you’ll be able to play with any programing language and also with friends.
Link: https://www.codingame.com/

Open Source Alternative To
Hey! Lover of Open Source .
You are close to discover an area filled with Open Source projects as alternatives to most SaaS. Discover 350+ popular open source alternatives to your proprietary SaaS. there’s a spread of categories to settle on from.
Link: https://www.opensourcealternative.to/

Code Beautify
Sometimes we spend longer thinking of a random name, address, sign, tweet, and other things that we wish there might be a straightforward thanks to generate, format or access. CodeBeautify provides many tools that help save it slow. it’s an internet Code Beautifier and Code Formatter that enables you to beautify your ASCII text file. It contains some trending tools, developer tools, code formatting tools, etc. you’ll be able to use search to search out more tools. It also incorporates a chrome extension.
Link: https://codebeautify.org/

Flow CV
It will be very exhausting creating, editing and customarily updating your CV on docs or word. I found peace once I found flowcv lol. With FlowCV, you’ll format your resume with just some clicks and reformat it very easily. you’ll be able to return anytime to update the layout, design, and contents in an exceedingly jiffy. And after all, they even have free templates.
Link: https://flowcv.com/

When I was learning some basic git commands, I usually visited this website to induce a brief and precise explanation of what a number of the commands do. With explainshell, you’ll be able to write down a program line to determine the assistance text that matches each argument.
Link: https://explainshell.com/

Let me stop here…
I’ve found these websites/web apps and a few others more useful.
I hope you discover them useful too.
Thanks for reading!!!